Why successful companies use Interim Finance Contractors


In the space of a generation, business leaders have seen massive opportunities open up thanks to a global economy and the technological revolution. However, they have also come under unparalleled pressure, with economic, political and social uncertainty becoming the “norm” and increasingly savvy, sceptical consumers to engage.

Somewhere in all this push and pull, Financial Directors and CEOs must keep pinpoint control on waste reduction and tight reigns on costs, to stand any chance at all of maintaining a healthy profit margin.

Having the right management team is the crux, and not always easy as business can change and evolve month by month.

No company can afford to stand still, so if your organisation decides to diversify or test a new international market, or it hits a brick wall, the demands on the financial orchestration increase.

Added to all of this, the future financial stability of international businesses is not just the day to day “accountancy”, but also financial analysis and prediction.

Big Data

One of the biggest influences on modern financial management is Big Data. It brings with it an unprecedented ability to formulate business decisions on huge amounts of relevant information. The technology to collate huge data sets is rapidly advancing, and the Internet of Things will speed this further.

Software and cloud systems are becoming available to sort and to some degree analyse the information – including sub-segmenting customers to a whole new level.

But none of this is much use if your company doesn’t have readily available financial analysis skills that can turn this into usable financial forensics or predictions.

Skills you need, when you need them

With so many exciting avenues to explore, and so much pressure to underpin a competitive edge, many management teams are being swept into expansions, new markets and ambitious investment programmes, without making sure that their financial stability can cope.

Regulations have never been stricter, and meeting the demands of due diligence can leave existing financial expertise stretched to breaking point.

Recruiting financial expertise in a fluid, meaningful way, to cope with changing demands and needs, can be costly.

And what if a financial lynchpin from your team decides to leave in the middle of a major change or crisis?

The solution is Interim Financial Contractors. Finding the peg that fits the hole, then moving on to the next space to fill as and when required.

The flexibility and skill investment that Interim Financial Contractors bring makes for a far leaner, more agile financial management function.

If it’s forecasting and planning ahead you need, there is a skilled and experienced person you can engage in an interim contract.

When you forge ahead, and the emphasis moves to meeting cross-border regulations and production costs, an Interim Financial Contractor with international experience could be your best fit.

Profitable growth can then bring its own challenges, including investment decisions and ensuring capital works projects or staff recruitment are carried out with financial acumen.

Mr or Mrs Right – now

Marrying the right financial experience, skills and insights to your business as it changes and grows can sometimes mean a long hunt for “Mr or Mrs Right”.

It can be a costly and drawn-out recruitment process, which doesn’t always lead to a long-lasting partnership.

The opportunity to quickly and cost effectively find “Mr or Mrs Right NOW” has to be attractive. Slotting an Interim Financial Contractor into your team, with clear targets and measurements, can result in the perfect partnership.

How we can help

BTG Recruitment provides you with a clear cost for an Interim Financial Contractor to support a more fluid management structure or plug temporary gaps.

A spec can be created that fits your current requirements – including providing you with insights into your cash potential and challenges, more effective accountancy processes, plugging financial leaks, greater product profitability, overhead recovery or better financial predicting.

Whoever it is you need, we can ensure your Interim Financial Contractor provides peace of mind that your company’s financial health is in safe hands.

Call us today to explore your options and solutions.

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